- We still have minor celebrations for the Dedicatinsof Mose's Tabernacle and of Solomon's Temple 1 (4%)
- The Hellenists tried to destory Judaism and we survived and they failed. 7 (33%)
- The Miracle of the Oil Still Signigifes God's Everlasting Providence 8 (38%)
- The Rabbis needed to fill the gap between Sukkot and Pesach with additional Celebrations 0 (0%)
- We need a Holiday to Compete with Xmas 3 (14%)
- To support the "oil" industry. 0 (0%)
- To Provide more Light during the dark days surrounding The Winter Solstice 1 (4%)
- To Celebrate one of Our few victories against our Oppressors. 1 (4%)
- When theTemple Burned, Some one forgot to repeal it!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
NishmaBlog Poll Results Re: Hanukkah 2008
A new "Spin" on Hanukkah" - Now that the Temple no longer exists - why celebrate Hanukkah?